Staying healthy during the holidays is always tough, especially since the holidays are right in the middle of cold and flu season. If you're headed "over the river and through the woods" to your grandmother's home, or the home or another family member, you definitely don't want sickness to ruin all your fun. As you travel for the holidays this year, keep these helpful tips in mind to keep germs at bay.
Tip #1 – Take Precautions Before You Travel
Before you travel for the holidays, take a few precautions so you're more likely to stay healthy. Consider increasing your intake of vitamin C before holiday travel to boost your immune system. Eating foods with probiotics or taking probiotic supplements is another good idea, since so much of your immune system is located in your gut.
Tip #2 – Get the Flu Vaccine
When you travel by air, train or bus, you end up in close contact with individuals throughout your journey. You also end up dealing with crowds when you're waiting to board an airplane, train or bus. Human travel spreads viruses, so your best bet is to head to a medical clinic such as Summit View Clinic for the flu vaccine before traveling this holiday season. Individuals over the age of 6 months should consider the flu vaccine to reduce the risk of getting sick.
Tip #3 – Wear a Surgical Mask if You Have Compromised Immune System
If you have a compromised immune system, consider wearing a surgical mask if you're traveling by air. Spending time in such close contact on airplanes is a great way to get sick. Although it may not look fashionable, a surgical mask keeps you protected from the germs of individuals around you while you're in the air.
Tip #4 – Stay Hydrated if You're Traveling by Air
It's also important to stay hydrated if you're traveling by air. When you're on an airplane, it's easy to get dehydrated, making you more susceptible to all those germs. Hydrate before you fly, during your flight, and after your flight to reduce your risk of catching a cold or the flu.
Tip #5 – Find Ways to Reduce Your Stress
The holiday season often brings plenty of stress. Final exams, big projects at work, and the hustle and bustle of the season often result in higher levels of stress. When cortisol levels rise, you're more likely to end up getting sick. While you can't avoid stress, find ways to reduce your stress during the holidays. Take a few minutes for meditation each day or engage in some deep breathing exercises when you feel stressed.
No one wants to spend the holidays feeling sick and miserable. Use these tips to stay as healthy as possible as you enjoy visiting friends and family members across the country.