Bringing It All Home: Home Care Therapy Options For Your Child With Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder characterized as high-functioning autism. People with Asperger's Syndrome struggle with many aspects of daily life, including motor skill development, speech and language problems, and social cue processing. If your child has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, seeking treatment for these struggles early may help him or her to lead a more productive, full life. Here is a look at some of the therapy services you can seek from a local home care agency to help your child.

Speech and Language Therapy

Communication can be difficult for children with Asperger's Syndrome for many reasons. Some children struggle with articulation due to muscle tone and coordination. Additionally, pragmatic language struggles are common. These therapy services help to address these concerns.

Articulation and Speech

Articulation errors can make children difficult to understand, and when your child is struggling with expression and communication on several levels, this can only add to the frustration. Asperger's Syndrome can cause muscle tone issues, motor skill problems and coordination difficulties. All of these things can lead to difficulties with proper pronunciations. Speech and articulation therapy can help soothe some of the social anxieties that can result from these problems. A speech therapist will help your child focus on core muscle movements and letter sounds to overcome the most common speech problems.

Pragmatic Communication

At the core of pragmatic communication, people need to understand how to apply their use of language in a given situation according to the basic rules of conversation and social interaction. Some Asperger's children develop an extensive vocabulary at an early age but lack the pragmatic application to hold a logical conversation and follow social cues.

For example, children with Asperger's Syndrome may not understand that conversations are an exchange that requires them to take turns with the person they are speaking with. As a result, they can monopolize the conversation with a monologue about their favorite interests. Additionally, they may stand too close to the person they are speaking to or have trouble reading facial expressions and verbal intonations.

Communication skills therapy will help your child learn the necessary fundamentals for holding a productive, respectful conversation. A home care specialist will teach your child about proper social interaction and the societal norms of conversation. This is often done through role playing and social stories with the addition of facial expression studies to teach kids about different emotions and expressions.

Behavioral Therapy

Children with Asperger's often struggle with behavior problems, tantrums and aggression. Another common trait of autism spectrum disorders is ritualistic behaviors, overwhelming obsessions and trouble regulating emotions. In-home behavior therapy provides your child with the tools and techniques to help manage anger and other emotions as well as tips for breaking out of ritualistic ruts.

Additional benefits of behavior therapy include parent training services. These are essential for parents with children on the spectrum, because structure, consequences and rewards are vital to creating a harmonious environment for kids with Asperger's Syndrome.

Occupational Therapy

Sometimes, the motor skills delays, repetitive behavior tendencies and sensory processing struggles can cause kids with Asperger's Syndrome to struggle with daily tasks. Routine grooming and hygiene tasks can be difficult, and grocery shopping can be a sensory overload. Occupational therapy services can teach your child the essential coping techniques, motor skills and intuitive information to handle these daily tasks on their own. This type of training is often done in a home setting to provide the most realistic and logical approach possible for your child.

When you first receive an Asperger's Syndrome diagnosis, it is easy to find yourself feeling overwhelmed. With home care services like these, you can give your child all of the support and tools that he or she will need to become a productive, responsible adult. For more information, contact a local home care assistance company. 
