A Few Tips To Help A Sinus Infection

There is nothing fun about a sinus infection. What starts out resembling a cold can quickly become painful enough to have you wishing for painkillers. You may have a runny nose, or it may be clogged but not running, and may be painful.  There could be some post-nasal drip causing you to cough and giving you a sore throat. Your ear may be hurting due to fluid in the Eustachian tube. Finally, you will probably have a headache that makes you want to shove a spike into it. Luckily, it is possible to treat the symptoms individually while getting rid of the infection.

Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation is done by using a bulb syringe or Neti pot to spray or pour a saline solution into one nostril and allow it to come out the other nostril. The solution helps to break up any mucus and clear any dirt, bacteria, or other debris from your nose and sinus passage. This will help relieve any nasal pressure and make it easier to breathe. If the sinus passage is cleared, it will relieve your headache too.

Hot Shower

Another option for clearing your sinuses is to take a hot, steamy shower. The steam will loosen the mucus and get things flowing again. In addition, the hot water will soothe tired, achy muscles. Keep the door closed so the steam doesn't escape as you dress and finish any beauty routines.

Over-the-Counter Medications

There are a number of over-the-counter medications that can be taken to dry up the sinuses to relieve the pressure. This will also clear the tubes in your ear and alleviate an ear pain. Many of these will also help control the pain of a headache. You can suck on cough drops to help with any coughing and to soothe a sore throat.

As with any other infection, a sinus infection may be caused by a virus or bacteria. You will need to see a doctor to determine which type you have and what kind of illness treatment you need. If it is viral, your doctor will tell you to wait it out. Use the above suggestions to help with the symptoms, get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids. If it is cause by bacteria, you may be given a prescription for an antibiotic. You should control the symptoms in the same manner as a viral infection while taking the antibiotics and waiting for them to work.
